Week 2
Arc Plotting & The Big Picture
Topics Covered
- Introduction to Arcs: Understanding story arcs and their types, impact, and progression.
- Using the Arc Form: Creating and defining arc types, span, and associated elements.
- Plotting Beats: Defining beats as key moments within an arc using the Arc Beat Form.
- Visualizing Arcs: See and interact with arc progression visually.
Practical Exercises
- Participants brainstorm and create a story arc, populate it with beats, and explore the Graph View to visualize and adjust their arc’s structure.
Recap and Review (10 minutes)
- Quick recap of Week 1's key learnings
- Open discussion: Reviewing participant progress on their series bibles and world building
Roundtable Discussion (15 minutes)
- Participants share their experiences with world-building so far and discuss any challenges they’ve encountered
- Participants discuss their initial thoughts on potential story arcs, focusing on major events and character transformations
Introduction to Arc Plotting (20 minutes)
- Understanding story arcs, their types, impact, and progression
- Exploring different types of arcs and their functions in storytelling
- The value of visualizing arcs and their influence on the overall narrative
- Discussion: Brainstorming possible arc types and their potential impact on participants’ series
- Navigating the Arc Plotter section
- Creating and defining arcs using the Arc Form
- Plotting beats as key moments within an arc using the Arc Beat Form
- Live demonstration of creating a story arc and populating it with beats
Practical Exercise: Brainstorming and Creating an Arc with PlotRocket (20 minutes)
- Participants brainstorm and create a story arc for their series
- Participants explore the Graph View to visualize and adjust their arc’s structure
- Guidance and feedback provided as participants work on their arcs
Q&A and Wrap-up (10 minutes)
- Addressing participant questions and feedback, particularly regarding arc plotting
- Summarizing Week 2’s learning points and emphasizing the importance of arc plotting in shaping the bigger picture