

Product Overview


Bible & Outline

Living Documents

As you build your world, plot your arcs, break your episodes, and blend your beats into acts and scenes, all the elements are easily edited or rearranged. Like a spider, you can zip between the fifty-thousand foot view of the entire series map, down into the acts and plotlines of an episode, over to the characters and lore of the world.

But your actual goal is a series bible and one or more episode outlines, not disparate pieces of data displayed in a bunch of fancy widgets. At any moment, you need to be able to review it all as a traditional document. Maybe print it out and mark it up with notes.

As soon as you've created a series and a precinct (e.g., "NYC, early 90s"), you can pop over the docs view and read, save, or print a PDF of your series bible. And as soon as you create an episode, you can do the same with its outline.

Every change you make is instantly reflected in those documents and the beats section of an outline reads almost like a script. Which is great, because that's what you or some other writer will be basing the actual script on.

Sample Output

For illustration purposes only, we present an episode outline and limited series bible based on the popular and well-documented television sitcom Friends .

Episode Outline

The end goal of the outline is to show the key beats of each scene of the episode in sequential order from the beginning to end.

Of course that is a "post-blended" view of the beats of each plotline, which can be reviewed for internal consistency before blending them into the acts.

Acts can summarize what will be happening within their scenes. Similarly, Scenes can summarize their beats.

Each section of the outline gives you a slightly deeper view of the episode.

Episode Outline
Episode Outline for the Friends Pilot (PDF)

Series Bible

The bible shows basic world building and some important arcs, like the "Ross and Rachel Rollercoaster" which plays out across the entire series, advanced by smaller arcs that span episodes within each season.

Episode Outline
Limited Series Bible for the Sitcom Friends (PDF)

Reference Material

Our sample output is for illustrative purposes only, and is based largely on the following materials.

On this page

Living Documents
Sample Output
Episode Outline
Series Bible
Reference Material